
  • Examination [all examinations include oral cancer screening]
  • Scaling and Polishing
  • Gum Treatments
  • Tooth Whitening
  • White Fillings
  • Amalgam Fillings
  • Root Canal Treatments
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Veneers
  • Dentures

Oral Hygiene

We believe good oral hygiene is the key to good dental health. Regular check-ups and cleaning with our dentists will help prevent gum disease, tooth decay, tooth discolouration and halitosis.

Gum disease can often go unnoticed and it's severity can vary between individuals. Gum disease causes more tooth loss than tooth decay and if left untreated can lead to other conditions such as heart disease.

Gum Treatments

The health of your gums will be checked during your dental examination. If periodontal disease (gum disease) is present it is necessary to act as soon as possible. This will involve a few visits to the surgery for gum treatment and advice given to you on how best to help maintain healthy gums. Occasionally, a patient may need to be referred to a Specialist Periodontist for gum treatment and we work with specialists we know and trust.

If you think you may have gum disease act now and call us on 065 6821612.

Replacing Missing Teeth

Why should I replace missing teeth?

Your appearance is one reason. Another is that the gap left by a missing tooth can mean greater strain is put on the teeth at either side. A gap can also mean your ‘bite‘ is affected, because the teeth next to the space can lean into the gap and alter the way the upper and lower teeth bite together. This can then lead to food getting packed into the gap, which causes both decay and gum disease.

How are missing teeth replaced?

This depends on the number of teeth missing and on where they are in the mouth. The condition of the other teeth also affects the decision.

There are three ways to replace missing teeth - Dentures, Bridges and Implants.


The main alternative is a fixed bridge. This is made by putting crowns on the teeth at either side of the space, and then joining these two crowns together by placing a false tooth in the space.

This is all made in the laboratory and then cemented into place with special adhesives. The bridge cannot be removed for cleaning.

Another option is an adhesive or "Maryland" bridge. This has wings that are bonded to the back of the supporting teeth with very little drilling involved.

Can I always have a bridge to replace missing teeth?

Bridges are only possible if you have enough strong teeth with good bone support. Your dentist will help you decide which is the best way of replacing missing teeth.

What are bridges made of?

Bridges are usually made of porcelain bonded to precious metal. Sometimes, there are other non-precious metals used in the base for strength. There are also new bridges made entirely of a special type of strong porcelain.

How do I look after my bridge?

You need to clean your bridge every day, to prevent problems such as bad breath and gum disease. You also have to clean under the false tooth every day. Your dentist or hygienist will show you how to use a bridge needle or special floss, as a normal toothbrush cannot reach.

Can I have a bridge fitted straight after having a tooth removed?

In many people it can take up to 6 months for the gums to heal properly after an extraction. This means that you may need to have a temporary denture for 6 months before the bridge is fitted.

What will a bridge cost?

Costs will vary according to the size and type of bridge you need. Always get a written estimate and treatment plan before beginning any dental treatment. Although a bridge may seem expensive it should last many years.


What is a partial denture?

This is a plate with a number of false teeth on it. It may be all plastic or a mixture of metal and plastic. Both types may have clips (clasps), to help keep the denture in place in the mouth. Depending on where they are, some of these clips may show when you smile or open your mouth.

What is the difference between a plastic partial denture and one that contains metal?

Plastic partial dentures are less expensive to make. But unless they are designed very carefully they can damage the teeth they fit against.

You can also get flexible plastic dentures. These dentures do not need clasps as they are held in place by flexing against your natural teeth.

Metal partial dentures are usually from an alloy of cobalt and chromium and they are much stronger. They are lighter to wear and can be supported by the remaining teeth. Although the base is metal, they have gum-coloured plastic and natural-looking teeth fixed to them. They are more expensive than the plastic ones.

How do I choose the best type for me?

Be guided by your dentist. He or she will know the condition of your remaining teeth and will be able to advise you on your individual situation. In most cases a metal-based partial denture gives the best result.

How do I look after my denture?

The general rule is: brush, soak, brush. Always clean your dentures over a bowl of water or a folded towel in case you drop them. Brush your dentures before soaking, to help remove any food debris. The use of an effervescent denture cleaner will help remove stubborn stains and leave your denture feeling fresher - always follow the manufacturers' instructions - then brush the dentures again, as you would your own teeth, being careful not to scrub too hard as this may cause grooves in the surface.

Most dentists advise using a small to medium headed toothbrush or denture brush and toothpaste. Make sure you clean all the surfaces of the dentures, including the surface which comes into contact with your gums. This is especially important if you use any kind of denture fixative.

If you notice a build up of stains or scale, have your denture cleaned by your dentist or hygienist.

Should I take my denture out at night?

Your dentist may recommend removing your dentures at night to give your mouth a chance to rest. If you remove your dentures, it is important to leave them in water to prevent any warping or cracking.

Are there other methods for fixing false teeth?

There are other methods, such as using a combination of crowns and partial dentures that can keep the retaining clips out of sight. These are quite specialised dentures, so you should ask your dentist about them.

Can I have teeth which attach to the jawbone?

Yes, by having implants. The success of this technique means you may be able to replace missing teeth without crowning other teeth. Remember that it is as important to care for your remaining teeth as it is to replace the missing ones.


We can discuss this procedure with you and refer to a specialist we know and trust.


Why should I consider white fillings?

Most people have fillings of one sort or another in their mouths. Nowadays fillings can be natural looking, as well as doing the job they're meant to do. Many people don't want silver fillings that show when they laugh or smile because they are more conscious about the way they look.

Are white fillings expensive?

Because many white fillings are classed as a ‘cosmetic‘ treatment, you can only have them done privately. So costs can vary quite a lot from dentist to dentist. Costs usually depend on the size and type of white filling used, and the time it takes to carry out the treatment. Costs may also vary from region to region, but your dentist will be able to give you an idea of the cost before you agree to treatment.

Are they as good as silver amalgam fillings?

White fillings have always been considered less long lasting than silver amalgam fillings. But there are now new materials that are almost as good as silver amalgam, and these are proving to be very successful. How long a white filling lasts can depend a lot on where it is in your mouth and how heavily your teeth come together when you bite. Your dentist can tell you about how long your fillings should last.

Is it worth replacing my amalgam fillings with white ones?

It is usually best to change fillings only when your dentist decides that an old filling needs replacing. When this happens you can ask to have it replaced with a tooth-coloured filling.

Some dentists prefer not to put white fillings in back teeth as they are not always successful. One way around this would be to use crowns or inlays, but this can mean removing more of the tooth and can be more expensive.

What are tooth-coloured fillings made of?

This can vary, but they are mainly made of glass particles, synthetic resin and a setting ingredient. Your dentist should be able to give you more information about the material they use.

Where can I get white fillings done?

Our dental practices offers white fillings as a routine treatment.

Are there any alternatives to fillings?

There are alternatives such as crowns and inlays although they can cost a lot more. Veneers can be used on front teeth instead of crowns or fillings.


What is a crown?

A crown is an artificial restoration that fits over the remaining part of a prepared tooth, making it strong and giving it the shape of a natural tooth. A crown is sometimes known as a ‘cap‘.

Why would I need a crown?

Crowns are an ideal way to restore teeth that have been broken, or have been weakened by decay or a very large filling. A crown could be used for a number of other reasons, for example:

  • you may have a discoloured filling and would like to improve the appearance of the tooth.
  • you may have had a root filling which may need a crown to protect what is left of the tooth.
  • it may help hold a bridge or denture firmly in place.

What is a crown made of?

Crowns can be made of a variety of different materials and new materials are continually being introduced. Your dentist will be happy to explain which is suitable for you.

How is a crown prepared?

The dentist will prepare the tooth so it is the ideal shape for the crown. This will involve removing most of the outer surface, and leaving a strong inner core. The amount of the tooth removed will be the same as the thickness of the crown.

Once the tooth is shaped, the dentist will take an impression (mould) of the prepared tooth, one of the other jaw, and possibly another to mark the way you bite together.

The impressions will then be given to the dental technician, along with details of the shade to use and other information needed for the crown to be made.

What will happen between visits?

A temporary crown will be made so that you can use the tooth while you wait for the crown to be made. This crown may be more noticeable but is only a temporary measure.

How is the crown fitted?

When you and your dentist are happy with the fit and appearance of the new crown it will be fixed in place with special dental cement or adhesive. The cement forms a seal to hold the crown in place.

How long does the treatment take?

You will need to have at least two visits. The first is to have the tooth prepared, the impressions taken, the shade matched and the temporary crown fitted. The second is to fit the permanent crown. There will usually be about 1 to 2 weeks in between appointments.

Does it hurt to have a tooth prepared for a crown?

No, you will have a local anaesthetic and the preparation should feel no different from a filling. If the tooth does not have a nerve, and you are having a post crown, you may not need a local anaesthetic.

Will the crown be noticeable?

The crown will be made to match your other teeth as closely as possible. The shade of the neighbouring teeth will be recorded, to make sure that the colour looks natural and matches the surrounding teeth.

What will it cost?

Costs will vary depending on the type of crown and the material used. It is a good idea to get a written estimate and treatment plan before beginning any dental treatment.

How do I care for my crown?

How long your crown lasts depends on how well you look after it. The crown itself cannot decay, but decay can start where the edge of the crown joins the tooth. Therefore, to prevent decay affecting the crown, it is important to keep this area just as clean as you would your natural teeth. Brush for two minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and clean in between your teeth with ‘interdental‘ brushes or floss.

How long will the crown last?

Properly cared for crowns should last for many years. Your dentist will be able to tell you how long you may expect the crown to last.


What is a veneer?

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain made to fit over the front surface of a tooth, like a false fingernail fits over a nail. Sometimes a natural colour ‘composite‘ material is used instead of porcelain.

When would I need a veneer?

Veneers can improve the colour, shape and position of your teeth. A precise shade of porcelain can be chosen to give the right colour to improve a single discoloured tooth or to lighten the front teeth. A veneer can make a chipped tooth look intact again. The porcelain covers the whole of the front of the tooth with a thicker section replacing the broken part. Veneers can also be used to close small gaps, when orthodontics (braces) are not suitable. If one tooth is slightly out of position, a veneer can sometimes be fitted to bring it into line with the others.

What are the advantages of veneers?

Veneers make teeth look natural and healthy. Because they are very thin and are held in place by a special strong bond (rather like super-glue) very little preparation of the tooth is needed. Some types of veneers don't need any preparation at all.

How long will it take?

A veneer takes at least two visits: the first to prepare the tooth and to match the shade, and the second to fit it. Before bonding it in place, your dentist will show you the veneer on your tooth to make sure you are happy with it. Bonding a veneer in place is done with a special adhesive, which holds it firmly on the tooth.

How much will it cost?

The costs for this treatment can vary from practice to practice so it is important to discuss charges and treatment options with your dentist before starting treatment.

How long will a veneer last?

Veneers should last for many years; but they can chip or break, just as your own teeth can. Your dentist will tell you how long each individual veneer should last. Small chips can be repaired, or a new veneer fitted if necessary.

What about alternatives?

A natural-coloured filling material can be used for minor repairs to front teeth. This is excellent where the tooth supports a filling, but may not work so well for broken tooth corners. There will always be a join between the tooth and the filling material.

Root Canal Treatment

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment (also called endodontics) is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth (known as the pulp) is infected through decay or injury. You may not feel any pain in the early stages of the infection. In some cases, your tooth could darken in colour, which may mean that the nerve of the tooth has died (or is dying). This would need root canal treatment.

Why is root canal treatment needed?

If the pulp becomes infected, the infection may spread through the root canal system of the tooth. This may eventually lead to an abscess (gumboil). An abscess is an inflamed area in which pus collects and can cause swelling of the tissues around the tooth. The symptoms of an abscess can range from a dull ache to severe pain and the tooth may be tender when you bite. If root canal treatment is not carried out, the infection will spread and the tooth may need to be taken out.

Does it hurt?

No. Usually, a local anaesthetic is used and it should feel no different to having an ordinary filling done. There may be some tenderness afterwards but this should gradually get less over time.

What does it involve?

The aim of the treatment is to remove all infection from the root canal. The root is then cleaned and filled to prevent any further infection.

Root canal treatment is a skilled and time-consuming procedure. Most courses of treatment will involve two or more visits to your dentist.

At the first appointment, the infected pulp is removed, and any abscesses can be drained. The root canal is then cleaned and shaped ready for the filling. A temporary filling is put in and the tooth is left to settle.

The tooth is checked at a later visit and when all the infection has cleared, the tooth is permanently filled.

What will my tooth look like after treatment?

In the past, a root-filled tooth would often darken after treatment. However, with modern techniques this does not usually happen. If there is any discolouration, there are several treatments available to restore the natural appearance.

What if it happens again?

Root canal treatment is usually very successful. However, if the infection comes back, the treatment can sometimes be repeated.

What if I don't have the treatment?

The alternative is to have the tooth out. Once the pulp is destroyed it can't heal, and it is not recommended to leave an infected tooth in the mouth.

Although some people would prefer to have the tooth out, it is usually best to keep as many natural teeth as possible.

Will the tooth be safe after treatment?

Yes. However, as a dead tooth is more brittle, it may be necessary to restore the tooth with a crown to provide extra support and strength to the tooth.

Where can this treatment be carried out?

Root canal treatment is a routine dental procedure, which your dentist will be happy to do for you. However, sometimes your dentist may refer you to an endodontist, who is a specialist in this type of treatment.

What about aftercare?

Root-treated teeth should be treated just the same as any other tooth. Remember to clean your teeth for two minutes, twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. Cut down on sugary foods and drinks, and keep them only to mealtimes if possible. See your dentist as often as they recommend for regular check-ups.

Tooth Whitening/Bleaching

We offer two types of tooth whitening. Both systems are safe and administered by our dentists. Our patients have had excellent results and we have witnessed dull smiles becoming dazzling ones! Let your smile dazzle and ask about tooth whitening on your next visit.

Details from the British Dental Health Foundation.

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